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History functioning

Here's an example of a history:

"": {
"date_upload": "01/17/2024 6:34 PM",
"date_expires": "03/07/2024 6:34 PM",
"manage": [
"": {
"date_upload": "12/26/2023 11:25 PM",
"date_expires": "12/27/2023 11:25 PM",
"manage": [
"": {
"date_upload": "01/21/2024 7:35 PM",
"date_expires": "01/31/2024 7:35 PM",
"manage": [
"contentsId": "2f9c8fb5-8234-4473-9bc1-f3fc837a906b",
"token": "eLP9iN3clBLUlXkUXvFfA6XI7EUAl3AE"

Every link created is saved in the history. If the host supports manual deletion, the information required for deletion will also be saved. See the function for more information on recovery.

To interact with the computer's local storage, I have to use Rust and Tauri. Here's the function used to write to the history.json file:
fn add_history_json(newLink: &str, newUploadDate: &str, newExpirationDate: &str, manageLink: &str, deleteMethod: &str, deleteParameters: &str, deleteHeaders: &str) {
let history_file_path = "Resources/history.json";

let mut file = File::open(history_file_path.clone()).unwrap();
let mut contents = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut contents).unwrap();

let mut json: Value = serde_json::from_str(&contents).unwrap();

let data_json_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(deleteParameters).unwrap();
let headers_json_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(deleteHeaders).unwrap();

let new_info = json!({
"date_upload": newUploadDate,
"date_expires": newExpirationDate,
"manage": [manageLink, deleteMethod, data_json_value, headers_json_value]

json[newLink] = new_info;

let mut file = OpenOptions::new()

let json_str = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&json).unwrap();
